============ Installation ============ .. todo:: pip install django-ws WS and all needed dependencies should be installed automatically with:: pip install hg+https://lagunak.gisa-elkartea.org/hg/django-ws Dependencies ============ * `django_extjs4 `_ * `django-celery `_ * `django-guardian `_ * `django-jsonfield `_ * `pexpect `_ Also, this project uses `South `_ to ease upgrading. Celery needs an AMQP broker, for example `rabbitmq `_ Configuration ============= Add this to INSTALLED_APPS in project's settings.py: * 'ws' * 'guardian' * 'djcelery' * 'extjs4' Add also the following line to your project's settings.py:: import ws ws.setup_loader() Celery configuration -------------------- Celery has many configuration options, take a look at `celery documentation `_. The simplest configuration requires to set the AMQP broker url. For example:: BROKER_URL = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/' Django-guardian configuration ----------------------------- Set anonymous user's id:: ANONYMOUS_USER_ID = -1 ExtJS administration interface ------------------------------ Include `ws.urls` somewhere in your urls:: (r'^ws/', include('ws.urls')) Collect the static files from `extjs4` and `ws`:: ./manage.py collectstatic